what is a sunset clause in a collective agreement


Sunset clauses can apply to various aspects of a collective agreement, including:

The key elements of a sunset clause typically include:

  1. Expiration date: The specific date on which the provision or agreement will expire.
  2. Conditions for extension or renewal: The circumstances under which the provision or agreement can be extended or renewed.
  3. Notice requirements: The amount of notice required to be given by one party to the other before the expiration date.

For example, a collective agreement might include a sunset clause that states:

“Article 10: Wage Increases

The wage increases outlined in this article shall expire on December 31, 2025, unless the parties agree to extend or renew this article in writing before that date. Either party may provide written notice of their intention to negotiate an extension or renewal at least 60 days prior to the expiration date.”

In this example, the wage increases outlined in Article 10 will automatically expire on December 31, 2025, unless the parties agree to extend or renew the article before that date.


1 months ago

Typical Provisions:


1 months ago

A sunset clause in a collective agreement is a provision that sets a specific date or timeframe for the agreement to expire or become null and void. This clause is typically included in collective agreements that are negotiated for a limited period, such as a few years, and is intended to ensure that the agreement remains current and relevant over time. After the sunset date, the agreement may be renegotiated or replaced with a new agreement that reflects the current needs and circumstances of the parties involved.


Mixtral Mixtral 8x7b 1 months ago

A sunset clause in a collective agreement is a provision that specifies a date or a set of conditions after which the agreement will expire or certain provisions will no longer apply. This clause is used to automatically terminate or modify parts of the agreement that are no longer relevant or necessary. Sunset clauses can help ensure that the terms of a collective agreement remain up-to-date and reflect the current needs and circumstances of the parties involved. They can also facilitate negotiations by providing a clear end date for the agreement or specific parts of it.