Check your assessment

Assessment rolls list information for every property within a municipality.

Most towns and cities publish a tentative assessment roll on May 1. We encourage you to review your assessment by mid-May. This is your opportunity to:

To learn how to read an assessment roll, see Overview of the assessment roll.

For more information, watch Is your assessment fair?

If you and your assessor are unable to agree on your assessment or exemptions, you may wish to consider contesting your assessment. However, you should be aware that you may only do so until Grievance Day which is the fourth Tuesday in May in most jurisdictions. (We suggest asking your assessor whether that date applies to your jurisdiction.)

Find your local assessment roll (municipalities outside of New York City)

  1. Visit the Municipal Profiles application.
  2. Select Search for a City, Town, or Village.
  3. Select the county from the drop-down menu and press Select.
  4. Select the Swis code for the city or town. (If there are multiple rows for your town, select the one with TOV in the Village Name column. TOV is an abbreviation for town outside of village.)
  5. Select Local Officials Addresses.
  6. Use the link at the top of the table to go to your municipality's website, which should include a link to the assessment roll.

If your municipality does not have a website, or the assessment roll is not posted on it, visit your county website instead.

View the New York City assessment roll

For property located within one of the city's five boroughs, visit the New York City Department of Finance website to view your property assessment roll data.
