The average annual gross earnings of employed workers in full employment in Austria in 2021 amounted to € 31,407 (arithmetical mean).
Average income is lowest in Vienna and highest in Lower Austria.
The Income Tax Act (Einkommensteuergesetz) lists particular types of income:
In Austria there is a progressive rate of income tax (0-50%). The level of income tax depends on the taxable income received in a calendar year. The calendar year is the same as the business year and comprises a period of twelve months.
Along with social insurance contributions, income tax is deducted from employees’ wages or salaries at source and is transferred to the competent authority by the employer. Income tax on employment is also called earnings tax (Lohnsteuer). The tax withheld is a prepayment on the annual tax due, which is only finally settled with the annual tax assessment (Arbeitnehmerveranlagung , previously Lohnsteuerausgleich) corresponding to the taxpayer’s declaration.
Various expenses can be offset against income tax, and lump sums, allowances and special expenses are tax-deductible. For example:
Social insurance contributions have to be paid by both employees and employers (exception: accident insurance is only paid by employers).
In 2024, the following rates applied (employees’ and employers’ shares combined):
In addition, employees and freelance workers pay 0.5% of their gross income as Chamber of Labour contribution and 1.00% as the housing construction promotion levy (freelance workers do not pay any housing construction promotion levy).
Where applicable, employees pay trade union contributions and contributions to religious communities (e.g. church tax), which are deducted directly from pay.