Work made for hire clause samples

(a)It is hereby expressly acknowledged and agreed by Consultant that all materials, whether tangible, digital or other form, created, authored or otherwise produced by Consultant, its employees, agents or subcontractors, in connection with the provision of services pursuant to this Agreement or by any Work Order or other request from LocatorX, including, without limitation, all inventions, creations, expressions, improvements, computer programs, specifications, operating instructions and all other documentation, whether or not subject to patent or copyright protection, which are first conceived or made or first actually or constructively reduced to practice during the term of this Agreement or within twenty (24) months following the expiration or cancellation hereof, whether based in whole or in part on or derived from information supplied by LocatorX, whether preliminary or final, and on whatever media rendered (collectively, the “Work Product”), shall be deemed as Work Made For Hire. Such Work Made For Hire shall remain the exclusive property of LocatorX which shall have the unlimited right to make, have made, use, copy, display in public, reconstruct, repair, modify, reproduce, publish, distribute and sell the Work Product, in whole or in part, or combine the Work Product with other matter, or not use the Work Product at all, as it sees fit. Before Consultant commences creation, authorship or production of Work Product it shall identify to LocatorX in writing any technology, information, computer programs or other documentation owned by or licensed to Consultant prior to the commencement of provision of its services, which will be useful or necessary to the Work Product (“Consultant Property”).

05/25/2018 (LocatorX, Inc.)

Work Made for Hire. The Strategic Consultant agrees that the Services, including all tasks, duties, results, inventions and intellectual property developed or performed pursuant to this Agreement, are considered "work made for hire" as defined in 17 U.S.C. Section 101, and that any such work is by virtue of this Agreement assigned to the Company and shall be the sole property of Company for all purposes, including, without limitation, all copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, patents, industrial rights and all other intellectual property and proprietary rights related thereto, whether existing now or in the future. In the event that any work created by the Strategic Consultant does not qualify as a work made for hire, the Strategic Consultant hereby irrevocably assigns and agrees to assign, without additional consideration, all right, title and interest in and to all such works, whether currently existing or created or developed later, including, without limitation, all copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, patents, industrial rights and all other intellectual property and proprietary rights related thereto, whether existing now or in the future, effective immediately upon the inception, conception, creation or development thereof. The Strategic Consultant shall (a) disclose promptly to the Company all works in connection with this Agreement, and (b) whether during or after the term of this Agreement with the Company, upon the reasonable request of the Company, agree to execute any and all documents prepared by the Company and to do all other lawful acts reasonably requested by the Company as may be required to establish, document, and protect such rights.


(a)Work Made For Hire. Executive further recognizes and understands that Executive's duties at the Company may include the preparation of materials, including without limitation written or graphic materials, and that any such materials conceived or written by Executive shall be done as "work made for hire" as defined and used in the Copyright Act of 1976, 17 U.S.C. §§1 et seq. In the event of publication of such materials, Executive understands that since the work is a "work made for hire", the Company will solely retain and own all rights in said materials, including right of copyright. In the event that any of such works shall be deemed by a court of competent jurisdiction not to be a "work made for hire," this Agreement shall operate as an irrevocable assignment by Executive to the Company of all right, title and interest in and to such works, including, without limitation, all worldwide copyright interests therein, in perpetuity. The fact that such copyrightable works are created by Executive outside of the Company's facilities or other than during Executive's working hours with the Company shall not diminish the Company's right with respect to such works which otherwise fall within this paragraph. Executive agrees to execute and deliver to the Company such further instruments or documents as may be requested by the Company in order to effectuate the purposes of this paragraph.


c. This Agreement is made with the intent that it is Work Made for Hire. The Work (including, without limitation, any works of authorship, documents, records, notes, inventions (whether or not reduced to practice), methods, materials, ideas, designs, models, concepts, techniques, discoveries, and improvements created, conceived or reduced to practice by Consultant in connection with Work or by use of or exposure to the Company’s Confidential Information has been specially ordered and commissioned by the Company, may be incorporated in existing the Company works as a compilation or collective work, and constitutes work made for hire for the Company under applicable copyright law to the extent it qualifies as such. Consultant agrees that the Company will own all copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, and patents in the Work and that the Work is a “work made for hire” for all intellectual property purposes. All rights, titles and interests in and to the programs, systems, data, reports, audio and video materials, databases, or other materials used or produced by Consultant in the performance of the Services, including any modifications, enhancements, or derivative works thereof, shall remain or become the property of the Company.

04/14/2021 (Can B Corp)

This Agreement is made with the intent that the Work is work made for hire. The Work (including, without limitation, any works of authorship, documents, records, notes, inventions (whether or not reduced to practice), methods, materials, ideas, designs, models, concepts, techniques, discoveries, and improvements created, conceived or reduced to practice by Executive in connection with Work or by use of or exposure to the Company’s confidential information) has been specially ordered and commissioned by the Company, may be incorporated in existing the Company works as a compilation or collective work, and constitutes work made for hire for the Company under applicable copyright law to the extent it qualifies as such. Executive agrees that the Company will own all copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, formulas and patents in the Work and that the Work is a “work made for hire” for all intellectual property purposes.

04/06/2018 (Canbiola, Inc.)

(i)Work Made for Hire. The Employee acknowledges that, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Company, all Work Product eligible for any form of copyright, trademark or patent protection made or contributed to in whole or in part by the Employee within the scope of Employee’s employment during the period of Employee’s employment shall be deemed a “work made for hire” and shall be owned by the applicable Company Group member.


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