Latest updates on the banking package

The final elements for the implementation of Basel III in the EU set up in the October 2021 Commission banking package are now agreed, endorsed by the Council and Parliament and will be implemented in EU law.

The EU has already implemented the vast majority of the Basel III global standards of 2017. This has enhanced the EU’s banking sector’s resilience, increased financial stability and provided the basis for stable funding of the economy. The EU banking system entered the COVID-19 crisis and the period after the Russian invasion of Ukraine on a significantly more resilient footing, allowing banks to mitigate rather than amplify the economic shock. There remained some final elements for the implementation of Basel III in the EU, through the review of EU banking rules proposed by the Commission back in October 2021 (CRR III/CRD VI or “banking package”).

These final elements are now agreed, endorsed by the Council and Parliament and will be implemented in EU law. Where do we stand in this process?

In December 2023, the preparatory bodies of the Council and Parliament have endorsed the banking package. It consists of the following legislative elements

Co-legislators confirmed that the new CRR rules will start applying on 1 January 2025. The provision included in the CRD will need to be transposed by Member States before they start applying.

With the decisions taken by the Council and European Parliament preparatory bodies, the legal texts have now been published on the Council website (CRR text and CRD text) and on the Parliament website (CRR text and CRD text). Although still subject to legal revision and to the final vote in the Plenary, the texts provide full transparency about the agreed new rules. This will also allow banks to prepare for the final phase of their implementation of the Basel III agreement in the Union.

As the legal text are now available, EBA is starting its consultation on key technical standards as detailed in EBA's roadmap on Basel III implementation. This will allow the practical implementation of the agreement by the banks in the next 12 months and beyond.

Why is the endorsement of the legal texts by Coreper and ECON important?

How is the Union implementing the Basel III agreement?

1. Introduction of the output floor to reduce excessive variability of banks’ capital requirements calculated with internal models

2. Implementation of the Basel III agreement to strengthen Union banks’ resilience face at the main risk areas (credit risk, market risk, operational risk)

Beyond implementing the final Basel III elements, the banking package also covers improvements in other important areas of bank prudential regulation.

3. Environmental, Social, and Governance risks (“ESG risks’)

Co-legislators further strengthened the provisions related to Environmental, Social, and Governance risks (“ESG risks’), as proposed by the Commission, on a number of aspects such as

4. Clear rules for third country banks operating in the Union

5. Strengthened supervision

6. Governance: fit and proper assessment for bank managers

Next steps

The legislative package will now be submitted to the European Parliament Plenary and to Council for adoption, after which the legal texts will be published in the Official Journal of the EU.


In the aftermath of the financial crisis, regulators from 28 jurisdictions across the globe, within the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision ( BCBS ), agreed on a new international standard for strengthening banks, known as Basel III . Work on the standard took place from 2010 and the Basel III agreement was finalised in 2017.